This is how a famous cosmetics brand portrayed women to publicize a new hair spray in July 1958. And it makes me wonder how long it’s been since I haven’t seen a woman like this in publicity.  Just look at it:

  • She is having fun, just like a kid, but it doesn’t make her silly.
  • She feels free. She feels she can fly high.
  • She looks powerful and in control. Nobody pushes on the swing but herself.
  • She has a nature and graceful look.
  • She is beautiful in a wild and  elegant way.
  • She is sensual but she’s not just a sex object.
  • She’s sitting on a golden swing wearing golden jewelry. She feels powerful.
  • She is barefoot. She’s got nothing to hide.
  • Her wavy hair is red. She looks like a strong passionate woman.
  • Her eyes are open. She is open about the way she feels.

There is so much we can do to change the perception of women in our world… Here are a few thoughts that could make help make it better:

  • Be aware about the misuse and manipulation of women in publicity and media.
  • Educate our children to be aware about it. Sit with them and teach them to observe.
  • Support brands who are in tune with the kind of woman you really feel identified with.
  • If you are an entrepreneur, a designer, a photographer, a copywriter, an artist, a model, a publicist… don’t forget the world is the way we make it.

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