Our hope is to bring you the most useful and accurate information we can so that you can empower yourself with good knowledge.

Content Accuracy

We do our best to research any claims we might make and provide as accurate information as possible, whenever possible. We may make errors and have occasional oversights, but not to be misleading or otherwise intentional. We do our best to present information responsibly, but cannot be liable for these occasional inaccuracies and errors. We’re humans just doing our best and we know you are too.


Our hope is that you can get the best use possible from the information and resources we provide. We won’t pretend that everything we suggest is good for all people and in all circumstances. We trust that you are fully capable of deciding what applies to your situation and what doesn’t.


All designs, visuals, and textual content with the exception of credits and sources noted specifically belong to us. You may share imagery and short quotes on social media or privately. Please do not republish articles in entirety without permission from us. Yes, we do track.

Any sources we use, we are careful to credit to the original authors. If you find something that we didn’t credit correctly or a work belongs to you and you would like us to take it off the site, please contact us to let us know and we’ll be glad to assist.

Promotional Features

If we mention another company, brand, or product, the likelihood is that we find something they do or offer exceptional and we use their product personally and feel proud to recommend them. There may be rare cases where a brand asks us to review their product. In such a case, we will clearly indicate that we are offering a promoted review.

We also promote our own agency, ShiftFWD, from time to time. We’re proud of our work there and what we do for our clients. It’s our baby and we tend to talk about it unapologetically.


We work our very hardest to provide the most useful, empowering, and high-quality products we are capable of. Should you buy something from our shop and it doesn’t fulfill your expectations, we’ll be happy to provide refunds on a case-by-case basis. A quick note with an explanation is typically sufficient and very much appreciated.

Mutual Respect

Most of all, we believe the best relationships are based on mutual respect. We do our very best to respect your time and make your feel that your time here is worthwhile. Since most of our own time is spent on developing the best content we have and getting it out there, we may not have time to answer every comment individually. It’s the sad nature of how time works and not being able to give you a nod in person. If this is the case, please don’t think we don’t care about you or value your input.

Thank you so very much for being a part of this space with us. If there’s anything we can do to improve, please be sure to let us know.