• The New Woman feels that she is ready to share her unique gifts with the world and shine.
  • The New Woman sees that she’s got a lot to contribute in a new era where values such as intuition, creativity,  and sustainability are necessary.
  • The New Woman realizes that she has more power today than society typically grants her, in so many different fields: entrepreneurship,  creativity, work, consumption, education, science… To put it simply, she knows she is a game-changer.
  • The New Woman doesn’t need permission from anybody but from herself to make her own choices, grow and experience life.
  • The New Woman understands that her role is not the one of the competitive aggressive masculine energy that rules the world today, but the one a powerful feminine energy that takes cares of the whole community.
  • The New Woman understands that there is no such thing as success if it doesn’t extend to her family, social circles and community.
  • The New Woman understands that all women need to work together and support each other in order to reclaim their space in the world.
  • The New Woman is strong but also kind; fragile but also constructive; sensitive but also powerful; imperfect but also unique; beautiful but also essential; sexy but also wise.
  • The New Woman doesn’t believe that she needs to be sexy and beautiful to be validated, but she feels that beauty is but one gift from life to express herself with freedom, uniqueness and self-respect.
  • The New Woman doesn’t identify herself with the sad, depressive , crazy and angry women who are constantly portrayed today in fashion, publicity and media. She rather sees herself as a full -of-life, free, happy, fun and loving person.
  • The New Woman is not a Superwoman but she embraces her inner Goddess.
  • The New Woman believes in the return of the primal feminine energy in the world. The same protective and wise energy that is in nature and will bring balance back to the human world.
  • The New Woman doesn’t believe that ‘Female Power’ means to handle too many responsibilities, trying to be multitasking hero and still looking like a supermodel. She believes that doing her best at each little thing with love and care  makes her the most powerful.
  • The New Woman doesn’t necessarily see herself as a feminist, but she works to live in a world of gender equality, synergy and harmony.